Saturday, October 16, 2004

Poker on TV. It Must Be Stopped.

Its amazing all the TV sports available to us nowadays.

Back in the day when ESPN was launched (yes, I am that old and remember when they first started), they were known for their off-beat, we-must-fill-all-time-slots-with-something-programming. It was not uncommon to see horseshoes, chick volleyball, ping pong, billiards and other assorted, "What the f*** kind of supposed sport are they showing now?" things on their airwaves.

But this new, sudden fascination with poker and putting it on TV has gone too far.

I can't take it anymore.

I don't want to see poker on TV. I mean, I can handle playing it once or twice a year with the fellas, when you all pony up to buy the big fight on Pay-Per-View, but to sit down and actually watch a freakin' card game on TV? No effin' way.

I'm holding out for "Go Fish", "Crazy 8's", or "Uno".

Now that sh*t would make for some fine "sports" programming.

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