Monday, October 18, 2004

Who I am voting for...its a matter of dinner.

Ah, elections.

Nothing quite like the democratic process at work here in the good old U.S.A. This much is for sure: Families fight over who to vote for, spouses quit talking over it, and Florida screws up.

And, of course, we get the media to throw their right and left-winged two cents our way, telling us who to vote for and why. Its good to know the media knows more than we do.

My neighbors have a political "Sign War '04" underway right now. Bush-Chaney vs. Kerry-Edwards in a 30 x 20 Front Yard Lawn Sign fight. So far, its 2 to 1 in favor of the incumbent, but I expect this could change at any moment if the Talassis family or somebody else lays some front yard sign smack out. To hell with the polls, we got lawn signs going. Right now, "Dubya" is leading (margin of error, 1 sign).

Who am I going to vote for?

Its pretty simple really.

It all boils down to one thing.

Who (and their wife) would I most like to have over for dinner?

Yes. I have discovered the secret of a well-informed decision behind voting. Its who can I sit down with for an hour, eat pot roast and have conversation with without being put-off or uncomfortable.

And who do you think I would most like to chow down with?

George and Laura.

I think the conversation would be good. We could talk football, baseball and decorating the White House. Add the pot roast into the mix and I think we have the basis for a nice, relaxed, comfortable dinner.

As for the John and Theresa? I don't think so. I imagine a nice conversation with John, but then I see her melting down and complaining of the common peasant dinner of pot roast and demanding the servants show up. It wouldn't be casual or comfortable. Hell, I'm getting nervous thinking about that dinner party.

Oh, I suppose I could have the Kerry's over too.

But, there will be no Heinz ketchup served in my house. I can' play favorites you know.

I am Darren Proctor and I approve this message.

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