Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Fighting Electors! Go Electoral College!

Another presidential election has come and gone.

And, here, this day after the big event, George W. Bush, has reclaimed the top spot with a hard fought victory over John F. Kerry.

Speaking of John F. Kerry...would the country have been ready for the return of a new "JFK"? Hmm...

I am not here to sulk or gloat over the outcome of the election. However, my offer of pot roast to George and Laura still stands.

No, I am here to spout rhetoric and bull shit about the Electoral College.

I am so tired of network anchorpersons and reporters and their reports as to why we supposedly don't need the Electoral Colleg.

Do away with it?

Hell no.

It works.

Think of the Electoral College as fifty separate elections. Really, that is all it is. You win the popular vote in a state, you win their "electors" or electoral votes. You get at least 270 or more of the 538 electoral votes and you win.

538? You ask.

Yes, 538. The number is equal to the number of representatives in the House of Representatives (438) and the number of senators (100). Each state has a certain number of members of the House of Representatives (here in Michigan it is 15) and all have 2 senators. Add 'em up and you get your number of electoral votes.

Why is this a big deal?

Because it forces the candidates to campaign everywhere. Bush was in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Kerry made stops in Iowa. Would they have visited either without the Electoral College?


If we go to a Popular Vote-only election, only the major metropolitan centers of the U.S. will matter. Idaho and New Hampshire be damned, because you won't matter anymore. As it stands now, New Hampshire and its 4 electoral votes looked pretty big for awhile last night.

The "College" make each state important. The popular vote does note.

O.K. Now that I have that off my chest, I need to turn my attention to what I really want of the Electoral College.

A football team.

That is right. A football team.

Every college needs a team, a stadium and hot cheerleaders.

So, let's hear it for the Electoral College Fighting Electors.

Next to my beloved University of Michigan Wolverines, they could very well be my new favorite team.

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