Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Bell's Oberon...ah, spring has arrived, GO MSU! and The Buddy Culver Show is rockin'!!!


I cannot believe how freakin' long this winter has been. It started right around Thanksgiving and has been cold as shit until today. I think we went over the 60 degree mark for the first time since early November '04. Shut up people in Florida. F-off too. I don't care if its warm there all year around. Get bent.

Anyhow, a sure sign that spring has arrived in Michigan hit the store shelves today. Bell's (Kalamazoo Brewing Company) released their Spring/Summer seasonal beer, Oberon, today. Yes, like a good beer soldier I marched right down to the store and picked up a case of this beauty of a beer.

Is it a complex beer?


It is "heavy"?


What it a a summer wheat beer with a light taste of citrus. Its been a staple of Michigan summers for nearly twenty years since Larry Bell opened the brewery in Kalamazoo and whose popularity spread far and wide due to the good students of Western Michigan University.

Ah, Oberon.

I dig ya.

Many of these will be consumed in the next 4-5 months.


As a certified, degree-holder from The University of Michigan, it pains me greatly to see our rivals, the Spartans of Michigan State University doing so well in the NCAA hoop's tournament. However, it has come to my attention that if MSU beats North Carolina and gets to the finals against Louisville, then I win 200 bones. Or, if MSU beats UNC and beats Illinois in the final, I'd win.

All of a sudden, I like the little green bastards.



GO 200 bones! Notice, I said "bones" not dollars. That would be illegal you know. ;-)

Hey all -- Podcast #6 of The Buddy Culver Show is online!

This podcasting thing is such a grin. I play D.J. in the basement of my crib. I've been exposed to a good number of new bands and have been playing cuts from indie bands from Detroit's past as well. Over 1000 people downloaded "The Buddy Culver Show" in the month of March. Not bad! I am so impressed with the indie music talent out there. Fantastic stuff. Click here to hear Buddy Culver.

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