Thursday, May 05, 2005

Radiocraft, Paula Abdul, The Bush Pilots, Latest Buddy Culver Show

Radiocraft "Red"

No ranting on this topic. No sir, praise only.

I know we aren't even mid-way through 2005, but I have to say my music "Release of the Year" so far has to be "Red" from the Detroit band Radiocraft. This Motown quintet is made up of Kevin Breslin, Suzie Ferro, Ronnie and Danny Alcini and Ken Williams.

This CD is a mix of straightforward rock with twinges of alt-country thrown in. Think of it as the rockin' version of John Mellencamp from back in the day mixed with the vocals of Melissa Etheridge, the lyrical inspiration of Bob Seger and Bruce Springsteen all brought up to date. Its refreshingly nice to hear rock without it needing some angst, makeup, costume or theme behind it.

Got that? Well you should.

Here's their web site:

Go visit it. Better yet. Buy the CD. Get it here:

Paula Abdul

So the washed-up 80's, L.A. Laker cheerleader choreographer, turned washed up "American Idol" judge was outed for banging a contestant 18 years her junior and helping him out. This just goes to show how shitty "reality" TV really is. What is the American fasination with reality televsion.

I'm tellin' ya Paula, "Straight up, will you really love Corey forever, oh oh oh..."

Sing that -- beotch.

The Bush Pilots

Yes Detroit's "favorite" softball team is back in action for the Summer of 2005!

Check out our weekly exploits via our weekly online recap we like to call "This Week in Softball".

We were bitch-slapped in Game 1, 12-4, by our arch-rivals from Howell's bar. I am thinking the over-under on wins this season is going to be 4.

It could be a long season, but we'll drink beer in the parking lot with the best of 'em.

The latest Buddy Culver Show

Check out some great bands on the May 2nd (2005) version of The Buddy Culver Show (Podcast #10). Andrea Jackman, The Hard Lessons and The Chesterfield Bridge.

Excellent music from all!


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