Welcome to This Week in Softball - The Cabin Fever Edition
Hello people.
For those of you who were not available to attend last night's Cabin Fever Beer Swilling, we here at TWIS thought we'd provide you with a much-needed, informative recap of the night's festivites.
Our man Jeff "Jump" Smith walked into the KofC last night and went virtually unnoticed due to the shaving off of his decades-old goatee. Proc looked at him and said, "That guy looks like Jeffy. Oh, its not him.". Dave responded, "Its Jeff!!!". Shock and awe took over. Gone was the facial hair he has had since age 14. It was quite disturbing and almost surreal. Later Schmenge came in and sat down at the table and had no idea it was Jeff. We here at TWIS have attached a picture of an artist's rendering of how the new, madeover, Jeff, sans glasses and facial hair, might look to you if you would've been there to see him.

We were also joined last night by Mister Jim "K"ramer, ladies and gentlmen. Jim brought along a dude from their company, Kuehne-Nagle, named Yjorn (we here at TWIS were buzzed last night and know we are spelling this wrong). Anyhow, Yjorn reminded us of the dude Dieter from the Saturday Night Live skit, "Sprockets!" (Now we dance!). As the night concluded, Yjorn the German bonded with Schmenge the Swede and will be attending Schmenge's IRISH St. Patty's Day Party on the 19th. You know its good times when Germany, Sweden, Ireland and the USA get their party on. Pic of Yjorn attached.
Thank you to Jeffro Bardelli for buying us beers last night even though he wasn't there.
Thanks to Focker for the cigar(s).
And thanks to the Indian bastage that called Proc at the bar and made him go back into work for awhile.
Its been a long winter boys. Spring and the Schmenge-Dugger Tennis Match can't come soon enough.
Anybody want to play softball?
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