Later in the evening, the closing ceremonies took place. It was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Dancing Mounties? Floating Beavers? I was embarassed for Canada to see it. And since when is an aging, bloated, Captain Kirk, er, William Shatner, considered enough of a national hero, that he is given time to talk in the closing ceremonies. Ugh. You mean Doug and Bob McKenzie weren't available? And when Michael J. Fox said that he has lived in the states for three decades but is still really Canadian, I was dumbfounded. Get someone who lives there full time to speak.
Monday, March 01, 2010
Olympic hockey and the worst closing ceremony ever
Congratulations go out to Team Canada on their win over Team USA, 3-2 in overtime. Unfortunately the USA lost, but it didn't diminish what a great game it was . But, why did the winning goal have to be scored by cry-baby Sidney Crosby. Ugh. I still haven't gotten over his whining the past two Stanley Cup Finals (GO WINGS!). When Zach Parise of the USA scored the tying goal with 24 seconds left, you could hear 33 million Canadians stabbing themselves in the gut.

Later in the evening, the closing ceremonies took place. It was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Dancing Mounties? Floating Beavers? I was embarassed for Canada to see it. And since when is an aging, bloated, Captain Kirk, er, William Shatner, considered enough of a national hero, that he is given time to talk in the closing ceremonies. Ugh. You mean Doug and Bob McKenzie weren't available? And when Michael J. Fox said that he has lived in the states for three decades but is still really Canadian, I was dumbfounded. Get someone who lives there full time to speak.
Later in the evening, the closing ceremonies took place. It was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Dancing Mounties? Floating Beavers? I was embarassed for Canada to see it. And since when is an aging, bloated, Captain Kirk, er, William Shatner, considered enough of a national hero, that he is given time to talk in the closing ceremonies. Ugh. You mean Doug and Bob McKenzie weren't available? And when Michael J. Fox said that he has lived in the states for three decades but is still really Canadian, I was dumbfounded. Get someone who lives there full time to speak.
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