Thursday, October 06, 2005
That Burger King Guy is scary and the NHL is back!
I don't eat at Burger King.
Actually, I don't eat anything where the word "king" is involved. Chicken Ala King? Forget it. King Crab? Nope. The way I look at, we overthrew the king two hundred plus years ago.
With that in mind, anybody see those new Burger King commercials? You know, the ones with the freaked-out looking guy in the king outfit, complete with tights, and a "king" mask that looks like it came straight out of a horror film? Man, that guy freaks me out. Note to Burger King: Since when did B-grade horror movie costumes sell Whoppers? Get that freak off the screen.
Although, the King does make a good NFL Safety.
Hey BK...change your name to "Burger President" and I am so there.
The NHL is back!
I am pretty happy that the NHL is back. Sure, I was pisssed off last year. I mean, come on now. They cancelled an entire season. I watched the Opening Night of the season the other night with the glee of a 7-year old opening up a pack of Pokemon cards. Yep, I missed hockey. I sped through all the games being shown on the NHL Center Ice packages (which was all the games) with all the professionalism of a man who knows his way around the TV remote. I like the new rules. The game flowed well, allowing for open skating without all the clutching, grabbing and hooking of the past. I really think this will work.
Buddy Culver is still rockin'!
I am still doing my indie music podcast, "The Buddy Culver Show", located here -- I can't believe I've put out 22 podcasts since March. For those of you still not familiar with podcasts, they are a radio-style show, pre-recorded, that you can listen to online via your PC or by subscribing to it and listening to it on an iPod or mp3 player. The listnership has grown steadily since I started and I am completely amazed at the loyalty of the listeners. It just goes to prove that their is a market out there for independent bands and artists that record companies and commercial radio just don't take seriously.
Are you in a band or know someone who is that puts out original music? Send them to http://www.buddyculvercom and have 'em contact me.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
D-Day from a first-hand account
He had been drafted into the army and was trained as a radio operator -- a very important job for a soldier during the war.
The U.S.S Shawnee transported him to England, where he continued to train and raise hell in a few English pubs.
On June 6th, 1944, a troop transport stopped in just less than 6 feet of water off the coast of Omaha Beach in Normandy, France. At 9:00AM the call to disembark the transport came down. He left the transport and headed into the cold water off the French coast.
As he waded toward the shore, big guns went off everywhere. Machine gun fire too. As he looked down, the water was red with the blood of bodies that had fallen before they ever reached he shore.
He could see the cliffs beyond the beach. These cliffs were being blasted apart in order to get a toehold on the beach and provide a spot to get to the top. The German army fired at will.
On the beach, gunfire was everywhere. Hiding behind the bodies of fallen comrades was a common sight for hours.
Incredibly, the U.S. Army was able to push the German Army back and get up the cliffs of Normandy.
He had survived the Beach.
A few days later, a fellow soldier was cleaning a Thompson sub-machine gun with a soiled rag that led to oil-covered hands as the weapon was being cleaned. The fellow soldier dropped the gun. It went off. A bullet went through his canteen and came out the other side. He was lucky. However, that fellow soldier lost four teeth while it took another four soldiers to pull him off the careless fool.
The Battle of the Bulge followed. German tanks everywhere. Another victory.
While in the German countryside, he and his comrades discussed how tired they were of C-rations. They moved a German couple off their farm for a few hours, telling them they were looking for hiding paratroopers. Really, all they wanted was a piglet from the farm. They roasted that piglet on a homemade spit for hours. He said it tasted incredible.
Later, he moved forward into Germany and the chance meeting with a Polish fellow named Kosinski who had relatives back in Detroit. It was a good thing he spoke fluent Polish, learned from his immigrant parents, so that he could understand Mr. Kosinski. He sent letters back to Detroit for the man.
There are many more stories. His family has heard them countless times and sometimes they just shake their head. However, these stories are priceless heirlooms of American History.
Soldier...Thank you for your contributions to the cause of American freedom during World War II.
Thank you for surviving that beach 61 years ago.
Thank you Frank Kendra.
--Your son in law, Darren
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Radiocraft, Paula Abdul, The Bush Pilots, Latest Buddy Culver Show
No ranting on this topic. No sir, praise only.
I know we aren't even mid-way through 2005, but I have to say my music "Release of the Year" so far has to be "Red" from the Detroit band Radiocraft. This Motown quintet is made up of Kevin Breslin, Suzie Ferro, Ronnie and Danny Alcini and Ken Williams.
This CD is a mix of straightforward rock with twinges of alt-country thrown in. Think of it as the rockin' version of John Mellencamp from back in the day mixed with the vocals of Melissa Etheridge, the lyrical inspiration of Bob Seger and Bruce Springsteen all brought up to date. Its refreshingly nice to hear rock without it needing some angst, makeup, costume or theme behind it.
Got that? Well you should.
Here's their web site:
Go visit it. Better yet. Buy the CD. Get it here:
Paula Abdul
So the washed-up 80's, L.A. Laker cheerleader choreographer, turned washed up "American Idol" judge was outed for banging a contestant 18 years her junior and helping him out. This just goes to show how shitty "reality" TV really is. What is the American fasination with reality televsion.
I'm tellin' ya Paula, "Straight up, will you really love Corey forever, oh oh oh..."
Sing that -- beotch.
The Bush Pilots
Yes Detroit's "favorite" softball team is back in action for the Summer of 2005!
Check out our weekly exploits via our weekly online recap we like to call "This Week in Softball".
We were bitch-slapped in Game 1, 12-4, by our arch-rivals from Howell's bar. I am thinking the over-under on wins this season is going to be 4.
It could be a long season, but we'll drink beer in the parking lot with the best of 'em.
The latest Buddy Culver Show
Check out some great bands on the May 2nd (2005) version of The Buddy Culver Show (Podcast #10). Andrea Jackman, The Hard Lessons and The Chesterfield Bridge.
Excellent music from all!
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Bell's Oberon...ah, spring has arrived, GO MSU! and The Buddy Culver Show is rockin'!!!
I cannot believe how freakin' long this winter has been. It started right around Thanksgiving and has been cold as shit until today. I think we went over the 60 degree mark for the first time since early November '04. Shut up people in Florida. F-off too. I don't care if its warm there all year around. Get bent.
Anyhow, a sure sign that spring has arrived in Michigan hit the store shelves today. Bell's (Kalamazoo Brewing Company) released their Spring/Summer seasonal beer, Oberon, today. Yes, like a good beer soldier I marched right down to the store and picked up a case of this beauty of a beer.
Is it a complex beer?
It is "heavy"?
What it a a summer wheat beer with a light taste of citrus. Its been a staple of Michigan summers for nearly twenty years since Larry Bell opened the brewery in Kalamazoo and whose popularity spread far and wide due to the good students of Western Michigan University.
Ah, Oberon.
I dig ya.
Many of these will be consumed in the next 4-5 months.
As a certified, degree-holder from The University of Michigan, it pains me greatly to see our rivals, the Spartans of Michigan State University doing so well in the NCAA hoop's tournament. However, it has come to my attention that if MSU beats North Carolina and gets to the finals against Louisville, then I win 200 bones. Or, if MSU beats UNC and beats Illinois in the final, I'd win.
All of a sudden, I like the little green bastards.
GO 200 bones! Notice, I said "bones" not dollars. That would be illegal you know. ;-)
Hey all -- Podcast #6 of The Buddy Culver Show is online!
This podcasting thing is such a grin. I play D.J. in the basement of my crib. I've been exposed to a good number of new bands and have been playing cuts from indie bands from Detroit's past as well. Over 1000 people downloaded "The Buddy Culver Show" in the month of March. Not bad! I am so impressed with the indie music talent out there. Fantastic stuff. Click here to hear Buddy Culver.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
The Buddy Culver Show #1 (Or how I started to Podcast)
(17:56) Introduction, music, the NHL, NASCAR, MLB and some tunes by the group Havilland (The "other" D. Proctor and his band. Current Motown rock, always with a good story to tell, and some Detroit 80s with Second Order Thinking!)
What a strange term - podcasting.
It sounds like something from that crazy movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". Remember that one? You know, the flick where the alien pods from outer space take over everyone's bodies and people are re-birthed from these pods. Too cool.
Anyhow, back to the term podcasting. What is a podcast you ask?
Well, a podcast is an audio blog that uses mp3's. Much like this is a web log that uses HTML to show off a message. Think of it as the last bastion of renegade broadcasting. Essentially you record yourself, music, etc. onto an mp3 file, post it on the 'net, give the necessary RSS/XML coding so the iPodders can download it and way you go.
I will be joining the ranks of the podcasters soon. Yes, look for The Buddy Culver Show to debut on the web very soon. Buddy Culver? Who is he? Well, its me of course. You know the old routine of "Pick your porn name" where you if you are a guy you take the name of your first male pet (female pet for the ladies) and combine it with the street name where you grew up. In my case -- Buddy Culver. A legend is born.
I have registered which will be the online home for the Podcast. Look for a show every couple of weeks with my thoughts, many of which have appeared in written form here, along with music from independent artists and b.s. about sports, cigars, beer and politics. Its all good. I used to D.J. at the college radio station a long time ago and have d.j.-ed parties and crap for years. I guess its the "Radio Host" in me that has to come out.
If you or anyone you know are an indie music group or solo artist, send me some tunes! I'd love to play em. Send 'em to me:
Rock on. And remember, Humpty Dumpty was pushed.
-Buddy, March 1, 2005
Friday, February 04, 2005
The Super Bowl in Detroit. Hey Media, It will be effin' cold, got that?
In all honesty, I think its pretty cool. The Super Bowl is a world-event now, being watched all over the planet and it truly showcases the host city.
With that said, the City of Detroit doesn't stand a chance.
We here in Motown are just going to have to face up to it.
Those of us fortunate to live in Southeastern Michigan have a f-in chip on our shoulder. A big chip.
Well for a half century we've been told what an arm pit, rundown, piece of shit our city is.
Well, you know what?
It is.
We firmly admit it.
But its OUR PIECE OF SHIT. If anyone wants to freakin' pile on it, it damn well should be us and not some namby pamby, cafe' latte sippin', pussy reporter from LA who will fly in here for one week next year and bitch about the 22 degree weather.
Note to the National and World media: When did the Super Bowl become about you? When did it become your mini vacation where you report on how much you like the local Hooters and if the strip clubs are first rate or not? Isn't it about the football game? Of course its not. Its about whether the dude from the Dallas Morning News, New York Post or ESPN has a hotel room close to the stadium where they can get hammered for a week, get a lap dance and report on the weather. Yep its all about the media and their Super Bowl vacation reports.
Media, here's .another note: Its cold in Detroit in early February. Sometimes it gets so cold your nose hairs freeze when you breath outside. I can't wait to hear you bitch about that. I hope it snows like hell and then the temp plummets to 2 below. We're used to it, but it'll be great to see some slappy from California standing in some ridiculous parka reporting on it.
Sure, we'll throw the "Motown Winter Blast", a giant block party to cover up for the fact that we're not New Orleans or Miami and maybe even some of you will use the snow slide or watch the sled dogs (sled dogs are native to Detroit you know). We'll even throw parties and other diversions from the weather to shut your asses up, but we know it won't work.
Media, one more thing. Kiss my ass now. I don't want to have to waste my time bitching about you a year from now.
Wouldn't it be fitting if the perennial losing Lions made the Super Bowl in their home city? It won't happen. But it might be the only thing to keep them from bashing Detroit and the weather.
As for the strip clubs? Don't stay in Detroit. Go over the bridge or tunnel to Windsor and see the real ballet. You probably won't bitch about that.
My prediction for the upcoming Super Bowl....Patriots 27 Eagles 24.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
I need more cowbell! (and one crappy ass job)
For those not in the know, those words were uttered by Christopher Walken while he was hosting Saturday Night Live one of his many times. The sketch revolved around the 70s rock band, Blue Oyster Cult, who were probably best known for their song "(Don't Fear) The Reaper". Walken played the part of the band's producer for that song. If you haven't seen the sketch, click here. I crack up every time I see it.
To be honest, I think music today could use some more cowbell. Ever listen to that ugly skank chick, Ashlee Simpson? I'd rather be subjected to an hour of straight cowbell than listen to that nastiness.
How about anything new by Ozzy Osbourne? Word is he is going to re-record Eric Clapton's "Tears in Heaven". Clapton's version was good. Me? Give me the cowbell before I listen to Ozzy warble his shit.
From now on, everytime you hear a crappy-ass song, think of it with some cowbell added. You know it'll put a grin on your face. That, and you'll realize you really need to change the station.
For some reason, I can't get the Bus Boys 1980 classic, "Did You See Me?" out of my head. "...spend all day, shinin' shoes....when I got home, I wanted somethin' to do..." Classic song. It needs no cowbell.
What a shitty job.
I am talking about the latest trend of local pizza joints to take their worst employee and outfit them in a sandwich board, costume or stupid shirt/hat combo of some sort, hawking their pizza for $5.
These morons are everywhere.
It seems like every pizza place you drive by, you see some poor asshole standing their with a sign he/she has to hold up advertising a cheap pizza. Its like being a pizza whore. Hell, its even more degrading than being a real whore. At least a real one gets paid more than minimum wage and doesn't have to hold up a sign to passers by.
What a degrading job. I'd rather shovel horse shit and put it in a bucket than stand out with the pizza for sale sign.
Pizza does sound good though. Ham, mushroom and onions. I wonder if that $5 piece of crap pie costs more with more than pepperoni on it. Damn Mike Illitch. Little Caesars used to be the best pizza in town. Now, its nothing more than fast food crap.
I'd think I need more cowbell now.